The task force "Allergiediagnostik in der Metallbranche" (diagnosis of allergies in the metal industries) has been looking intensely into diagnosing allergies with respect to suspected contact allergies to cutting fluids. Two papers have been published on this topic which there are:
Geier J, Lessmann H, Schumacher Th, Eckert Ch, Becker D,Boveleth W, Buß M, Eck E, Englitz H-G, Koch P, Müller J, Nöring R, Rocker M, Rothe A, Schmidt A, Uter W, Warfolomeow I, Zoellner G:
Vorschlag für die Epikutantestung bei Verdacht auf Kontaktallergie durch Kühlschmierstoffe.
Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 48, 232-236 (2000)
Tiedemann K-H, Zoellner G, Adam M, Becker D, Boveleth W, Eck E, Eckert Ch, Englitz H-G, Geier J, Koch P, Lessmann H, Müller J, Nöring R, Rocker M, Rothe A, Schmidt A, Schumacher Th, Uter W, Warfolomeow I,Wirtz C:
Empfehlungen für die Epikutantestung bei Verdacht auf Kontaktallergie durch Kühlschmierstoffe.
Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 50, 180-189 (2002)
In the second publication there are a few forms and instructions provided for facilitating work (written in German).